Conference Organization
Host Organization Hong Kong Physical Society
Co-organizer American Physical Society | HK Institute of Quantum Science & Technology
Organizing Institutions City University of Hong Kong | Qebula Mind Limited
Conference Chairs
Professor Xunli Wang
(Chair Professor, Department of Physics | City University of Hong Kong; Board Member and International Councilor | American Physical Society)
Professor Zidan Wang
(Chair Professor, Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong; Chairman of the Council, Hong Kong Physical Society)
Professor Bei Zeng
(Professor, Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; President, Hong Kong Physical Society)
Conference Committee Members
Sunny Xin Wang | Xiao Li | Zhedong Zhang | Liang Dai
Conference Secretary
Sunny Wang Xin
(Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong; Honorary Treasurer, Hong Kong Physical Society)